Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Love, Connect and Share

Love, Connect, and Share .... This is basically the motto that my church has. I am very blessed to go to a church that realized the importance of not only loving one another as Jesus has loved us -but also the importance of us as Christians connecting with one another. I go to a pretty large church - it has 3 services - early service, a young adult service, and 3rd service. Anyone is welcome at any of these services. With it being such a large church it might feel a little overwhelming to someone coming into the church to get to know people - but this is another area that my church is shining in - we have many different Sabbath School and many of them are discussion type Sabbath Schools. These are smaller groups of people so you can get to know your class mates. Not only are there Sabbath schools - but there are many small groups. Participating in these small groups gives you another way to get to know people. Sharing is also very important to our church. There are many different ministries in our church - I will only be sharing about 2 of them that I participate in. We have a big food pantry once a month- For November - we served about 240 families and about 750 people. We always have a good amount of people show up to volunteer to serve our community. And we even have people in our community that show up to help that are not members of our church, but they want to help and they are included as well. We also have a special food pantry that is specially geared to people in the community that are 55 and older. This program is also once a month. There are programs in our church that provide water for the homeless during the summer and sleeping bags and coats and such during the winter. I think as we study the life of Jesus we will realize that it was very important to him as well to love, connect, and share with his fellow man. I am thankful that God lead me to my church about 1 1/2 years ago- the time has flown by. I am blessed by sermons that uplift Jesus and encourages us along our spiritual journey so get better acquainted with Jesus. A personal relationship with Him is very important.